Cause Effect About Bullying


There are many causes of bullying in our society. Many school kids who bully others often do so in order to show their dominance to others and to raise their social status.  They may have a high self-esteem and they may show little regret or sorrow for their bullying behaviour, as they do not see bullying as a wrong act. Others may bully out of frustration and anger as they may socially struggle or they could have been a victim of bullying themselves and feel that bullying others helps them regain themselves as a person.


Bullying can affect everyone in different ways depending on the person them self, how they are being bullied and how they attempt to resolve what is happening.
There can be big effects on victims of bullying and they can be left feeling:
  - guilty as if it is their own fault
  - hopeless like they cannot get out of the situation
  - alone, like there is nobody that can help them
  - unsafe
  - ashamed due to what is happening to them
  - rejected by those bullying them and other groups
Bullying has a negative impact on everyone. Not only does it affect the victim and the bully but also those who are in the surroundings. Those who see or know somebody who is being bullied often feel upset, irritated, guilty and fearful. Bystanders also can feel worried that they may be bullied next. When bullying isn’t stopped it can create an environment where bullying is accepted and where everybody feels so powerless that they cannot stop it which is a really bad effect of bullying in our community today.
Bullying can also affect the victims in ways which they become medically unstable. Someone people can be bullied so bad that they become depressed, which can then lead them to skip school and do other things that they think will make everything better but in reality it makes things worse. Many teenage victims of bullying today also turn to suicide. Suicide is the worst effect that bullying can have on victims but sadly today many lives have been lost due to bullying. The victims feel that their life is so bad that they will be better off ending it. Bullies do not understand that from them saying a few nasty comments to the person sitting by themselves on the bus, or the boy that doesn’t talk to anyone, that it can have such an impact. Not only does the effect of bullying (suicide) have an effect on the victim, it also has an effect on the victim’s family and the bully themselves.


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